Welcome to the exciting world of Hindi language learning! Today, we are going to explore the magical sound of 'आ' (aa) in Hindi and discover the amazing words and sentences that come to life with this sound. Get ready to embark on a joyful journey filled with fun and interesting words!
Table of Contents
Understanding the "Aa Ki Matra"
The "Aa Ki Matra" is a special symbol used in Hindi to modify the pronunciation of certain vowels. It is represented by a mark (ॲ) placed above the vowel "आ" (Aa). When the "Aa Ki Matra" is added, it changes the sound of the vowel and makes it longer and more tonal. Learning words with the "Aa Ki Matra" will help you speak Hindi more accurately and fluently.
The Special Sound of 'आ' (aa)
Have you ever noticed how some words in Hindi sound longer and more melodious? That's because of the 'आ' (aa) sound! This sound is like music to our ears and adds a special touch to the language. When we pronounce words with the 'आ' sound, it feels as if we are stretching the word and giving it extra love and attention.
Let's Explore Words with the 'आ' Sound!
Are you ready to dive into a sea of words with the 'आ' sound? Let's go!
One-Letter Words with 'आ' ki Matra
आ (aa) - It means "come." Imagine calling someone to come closer by saying "आ" with a big smile on your face!
Two-Letter Words with 'आ' ki Matra
आं (aan) - sound of humming
आँ (aam) - mango
आई (aai) - came
आऊ (aau) - I come
आई (aai) - arrived
आई (aai) - mother
आउ (aau) - come
आख (aakh) - eyes
आग (aag) - fire
आघ (aagh) - roar
आच (aach) - rule
आज (aaj) - today
आद (aad) - fire
आन (aan) - respect
आप (aap) - you
आफ (aaf) - half
आब (aab) - water
आम (aam) - mango
आर (aar) - fire
आल (aal) - wave
आल (aal) - potato
आव (aav) - call
आश (aash) - hope
आह (aah) - wow
आक (aak) - look
आस (aas) - hope
आह (aah) - expression of relief
आफ (aaf) - half
आर (aar) - respect
आल (aal) - wave
आल (aal) - potato
आव (aav) - presence
आश (aash) - hope
आश (aash) - desire
आह (aah) - sigh
आह (aah) - wow
आई (aai) - mother
आउ (aau) - I come
Longer Words with 'आ' ki Matra
आदमी (aadmi) - It means "man" or "person."
आकाश (aakash) - This word means "sky."
आलसी (aalsi) - It means "lazy."
अंतरराष्ट्रीय (antararāṣṭriy) - international
अंदाज़ापूर्वक (andaazāpūrvak) - approximately
अंतिम (antim) - final
अंग्रेज़ (angrez) - English
अंतर्निहित (antarnihit) - internal
अंदाज़ा (andaazā) - estimate
अंतःस्थ (antaḥsth) - internal
अंकुरित (ankurit) - germinated
अंकुश (ankush) - control
अंतर (antar) - difference
अंदाज़े (andaaze) - guess
अंश (ansh) - part
अंत (ant) - end
अंधकार (andhakār) - darkness
अंधविश्वास (andhavishvās) - superstition
अंगारे (angāre) - ember
अंगार (angār) - firebrand
अंकगणित (ankganit) - arithmetic
अंधकारी (andhakārī) - blind
अंतःकरण (antaḥkaran) - mind
अंतःस्थि-संबंधी (antaḥsthi-sambandhī) - internal
अंजाम (anjaam) - result
अंधश्रद्धा (andhśraddhā) - blind faith
अंधकारवासी (andhakārvāsī) - in darkness
अंगारा (angārā) - charcoal
अंगीकृत (angeekrit) - accepted
अंग्रेज़ी (angrezī) - English language
अंतिमता (antimatā) - finality
अंतराल (antarāl) - interval
अंतर्वासना (antarvāsanā) - desire
अंगभूत (angbhoot) - embodied
अंधकारशील (andhakārshīl) - dark
अंतरंग (antarang) - internal
अंतःकरणीय (antaḥkaranīy) - introspective
अंधधुंध (andhadhundh) - blindly
अंधविश्वासी (andhavishvāsī) - superstitious
अंधकारज (andhakāraj) - dark
अंतहीन (antahīn) - endless
अंधश्रद्धावान (andhśraddhāvān) - superstitious
अंत्य (antya) - last
अंशदान (anshdān) - donation
अंकुर (ankur) - sprout
अंकुशित (ankushit) - controlled
अंजना (anjana) - black pigment
अंतःकरणशील (antaḥkaranśīl) - introspective
अंगरचना (angrachanā) - sculpture
अंजनी (anjanī) - mother of Hanuman
अंतःप्रज्ञा (antaḥprajñā) - inner wisdom
अंतःप्रेरित (antaḥprerit) - motivated
अंधकारीता (andhakārītā) - darkness
आधार (aadhār) - foundation
आकार (aakaar) - shape
आदान (aadaan) - donation
आनंद (aanand) - joy
आशा (aasha) - hope
आराम (aaraam) - rest
आरामदायक (aaraamdaayak) - comfortable
आरामसे (aaraamse) - comfortably
आरामदेह (aaraamdeh) - relaxing
आवाज (aavaaz) - voice
आवेदन (aavedan) - application
आवृत्ति (aavritti) - repetition
आकर्षक (aakarshak) - attractive
आकाश (aakaash) - sky
आगे (aage) - ahead
आगामी (aagaami) - upcoming
आग्रह (aagrah) - request
आचरण (aacharan) - behavior
आचरणक्रम (aacharankram) - sequence of events
आचार्य (aachaarya) - teacher
आज्ञा (aajñaa) - command
आदर्श (aadarsh) - ideal
आदेश (aadesh) - order
आदेशानुसार (aadeshānusaar) - as per instructions
आधी (aadhee) - half
आधुनिक (aadhunik) - modern
आध्यात्मिक (aadhyātmik) - spiritual
आधिपत्य (aadhipatya) - dominion
आनंदित (aanandit) - delighted
आवश्यक (aavashyak) - necessary
आरती (aarti) - devotional song
आवश्यकता (aavashyaktā) - necessity
आरोग्य (aarogy) - health
आवास (aavaas) - residence
आतंक (aatank) - terror
आरक्षण (aarakshan) - reservation
आत्मा (aatma) - soul
आविष्कार (aavishkaar) - invention
आश्रम (aashram) - hermitage
आशीर्वाद (aashirvaad) - blessing
आयात (aayaat) - import
आवृत्ति (aavritti) - cycle
आयु (aayu) - age
आपत्ति (aapatti) - problem
आभूषण (aabhushan) - ornament
आयाम (aayaam) - dimension
आरोप (aarop) - allegation
आक्रोश (aakrosh) - anger
आत्मसम्मान (aatmasammaan) - self-respect
आपक (aapak) - related to you
आधिकारिक (aadhikaarik) - official
आयुष्मान (aayushman) - blessed with long life
आश्वासन (aashwaasan) - assurance
आरामकुर्सी (aaramkursi) - armchair
आवाज़ी (aavāzī) - vocal
आधिकारिकता (aadhikāriktā) - authenticity
आक्रमण (aakraman) - attack
आरामदायी (aaramdaayī) - relaxing
आरामसे (aaraamse) - comfortably
आकर्षित (aakarshit) - attracted
आक्रोशित (aakroshit) - provoked
आत्मविश्वास (aatmavishvās) - self-confidence
आभूषित (aabhūshit) - adorned
आयोजन (aayojan) - arrangement
आपात (aapaat) - emergency
आयामवान (aayāmavān) - dimensional
आरोपित (aaropit) - accused
आत्महत्या (aatmahatyā) - suicide
आवश्यकताओं (aavashyaktāon) - requirements
आरामदायकता (aaraamdaayaktā) - comfortability
आरामदायिका (aaraamdaayikā) - comfortable
आवृत्तिवादी (aavrittiwādī) - cyclic
आद्यतन (aadyatan) - update
आश्रित (aashrit) - dependent
आत्महित (aatmahit) - self-interest
आवासीय (aavāsīy) - residential
आरोग्यवर्धक (aarogyavardhak) - health-promoting
आचरित (aacharit) - behaved
आयोजक (aayojak) - organizer
आपुर्ति (āpurti) - supply
आरंभिक (aarambhik) - initial
आकांक्षा (aakaankshā) - desire
आकारण (aakāran) - formation
आत्मसंयम (aatmasaṁyam) - self-control
आपुल्लिक (aapullik) - public
आर्थिक (ārthik) - financial
आरामपूर्ण (aarampūrṇ) - comfortable
आवश्यकताओं (aavashyaktāon) - necessities
आकर्षितकरनेवाला (aakarshitkaranewālā) - attractive
आक्रमणकारी (aakramankārī) - aggressive
आत्मीय (ātmīya) - intimate
आप्रेषित (āpreṣit) - sent
आरामदायी (aaramdāyī) - comfortable
आरामसे (aaramse) - comfortably
आकर्षकता (aakarṣaktā) - attractiveness
आगंतुक (āgaṁtuk) - visitor
आपुर्तिवादी (āpurtivādī) - supply-oriented
आयातकर्ता (aayātakartā) - importer
आकांक्षी (aakaankshī) - ambitious
आकर्षितकरना (aakarshitkarnā) - attract
आक्रोशित (aakroshit) - angry
आणविक (āṇvik) - atomic
आद्य (aady) - first
आरक्षित (aarakshit) - reserved
आत्मीयता (ātmīyatā) - intimacy
आप्रवासी (āpravāsī) - migrant
आरामदायकता (aaramdāyaktā) - comfort
आरामसे (aaramse) - comfortably
आकर्षक (aakarshak) - attractive
आग्रहपूर्ण (aagrahapūrṇ) - pleading
आत्मविश्वासयुक्त (aatmavishvāsayukt) - confident
आरबीआई (ārbīāī) - RBI (Reserve Bank of India)
आश्रित (aashrit) - sheltered
आत्मनिर्भर (aatmanirbhar) - self-reliant
आदानप्रदान (aadaanpradān) - exchange
आपोषण (āpoṣaṇ) - nourishment
आरोपी (aaropī) - accused
आवश्यकताओं (aavashyaktāon) - requirements
आकर्षित (aakarshit) - attracted
आज्ञापत्र (aajñāpatr) - directive
आयातक (aayātak) - importer
आकारिक (aakārik) - figurative
आदर्शवादी (aadarshvādī) - idealistic
आरामदायकता (aaramdāyaktā) - comfort
आरामसे (aaramse) - comfortably
आकर्षण (aakarṣaṇ) - attraction
आग्रहपूर्णता (aagrahapūrṇtā) - insistence
आत्मीयता (ātmīyatā) - intimacy
आरबीआई (ārbīāī) - RBI (Reserve Bank of India)
आश्रित (aashrit) - dependent
आत्मनिर्भरता (aatmanirbhartā) - self-reliance
आदान-प्रदान (aadan-pradān) - give and take
आपुल्लिक (aapullik) - public
आर्थिक (ārthik) - economic
आरोपित (aaropit) - accused
आप्रेषित (āpreṣit) - transmitted
आत्मसंयमी (aatmasaṁyamī) - self-disciplined
आभूषित (aabhūshit) - adorned
आयोजनाकर्ता (aayojanākartā) - organizer
आपात (aapaat) - emergency
आयामयुक्त (aayāmayukt) - dimensional
आरामदायी (aaramdāyī) - comfortable
आकर्षणशील (aakarṣaṇśīl) - attractive
आक्रमणकारक (aakramankārak) - aggressive
आत्मप्रशासित (aatmaprashāsit) - self-governed
आप्रभावित (āprabhāvit) - influenced
आरामपूर्णता (aarampūrṇtā) - comfort
आरामसे (aaramse) - comfortably
आकर्षितकरनेवाला (aakarshitkaranewālā) - captivating
आग्रही (aagrahī) - insistent
आत्मनिर्भरता (aatmanirbharta) - self-sufficiency
आवाजप्रद (aavājprad) - vocal
आर्थिकता (ārthiktā) - economy
आरामसे (aaramse) - comfortably
आश्रय (āśray) - shelter
आयतन (aayatan) - volume
आकर्षकता (aakarṣaktā) - allurement
आवाजीला (aavājīlā) - vocally
आक्रमणकारी (aakramankārī) - invasive
आविष्कृति (aaviṣkṛti) - discovery
आकांक्षी (aakaankshī) - aspiring
आधारभूत (aadhārbhūt) - fundamental
आरोग्यपूर्ण (aarogyapūrṇ) - healthy
आवश्यकता (aavashyaktā) - necessity
आपुर्तिकर्ता (āpurtikartā) - supplier
आकर्षित (aakarshit) - drawn
आदर्शवाद (aadarshvād) - idealism
आरामदेह (aaramdeh) - soothing
आत्मस्वीकृति (aatmasvīkrṭi) - self-acceptance
आरामदायिनी (aaramdāyinī) - relaxing
आरामसे (aaramse) - comfortably
आदानप्रदान (aadaanpradān) - transaction
आपुल्लिक (aapullik) - public
आर्थिक (ārthik) - financial
आरोपी (aaropī) - defendant
आप्रेषित (āpreṣit) - dispatched
आत्मसंयम (aatmasaṁyam) - self-discipline
आभूषित (aabhūsit) - decorated
आयोजन (aayojan) - event
आपातकाल (aapātkāl) - crisis
आयामवान (aayāmavān) - dimensioned
आरामसे (aaramse) - comfortably
आकर्षिता (aakarṣitā) - attractive
आगंतुक (āgaṁtuk) - spectator
आपुर्तिवाद (āpurtivād) - import-oriented
आयातकर्ता (aayātakartā) - importer
आकांक्षापूर्ण (aakaankshāpūrṇ) - ambitious
आकर्षितकरना (aakarshitkarnā) - allure
आक्रोशित (aakroshit) - provoked
आत्मसंयमी (aatmasaṁyamī) - self-controlled
आभूषित (aabhūshit) - embellished
आयोजक (aayojak) - event organizer
आपात (aapaat) - critical
आयामयुक्त (aayāmayukt) - dimensional
आरामदायी (aaramdāyī) - comfortable
आकर्षणशीलता (aakarṣaṇśīlta) - attractiveness
आग्रही (aagrahī) - insisting
आत्मनिर्भरता (aatmanirbharta) - self-sustainability
आवाजप्रदान (aavājpradān) - vocalization
आर्थिकता (ārthiktā) - economic viability
The Magical Role of 'आ' ki Matra in Hindi
Now that we have discovered some cool words, let's see how 'आ' ki matra adds magic to different parts of speech.
'आ' ki Matra in Nouns
Nouns are words that name people, places, things, or ideas. 'आ' ki matra adds a special touch to many nouns. For example:
बादल (baadal) - cloud
नाव (naav) - boat
जादू (jaadu) - magic
आदमी (aadmi) - man
आकाश (aakaash) - sky
आग (aag) - fire
आदत (aadat) - habit
आँख (aankh) - eye
आराम (aaram) - comfort
आक्रोश (aakrosh) - anger
आसमान (aasmaan) - sky
आशियाना (aashiyaana) - nest
आधार (aadhaar) - foundation
आश्चर्य (aashcharya) - wonder
आवाज़ (aavaaz) - voice
आरामदायकता (aaramdayakta) - comfort
आत्मविश्वास (aatmavishwas) - self-confidence
आवारा (aawara) - wanderer
आत्महत्या (aatmahatya) - suicide
आनंद (aanand) - joy
आत्मीयता (aatmiyata) - intimacy
आवृत्ति (aavritti) - cycle
आरामदेही (aaramdehi) - soothing
आकर्षण (aakarshan) - attraction
आक्रमण (aakraman) - attack
आश्रय (aashray) - shelter
आदेश (aadesh) - order
आशीर्वाद (aashirvaad) - blessing
आधारित (aadhrit) - based on
आदान-प्रदान (aadan-pradaan) - exchange
आतंक (aatank) - terror
आंतरिक (antarik) - internal
आवाजदार (aavaazdaar) - vocal
आदिवासी (aadivaasi) - tribal
आवश्यकता (aavashyakta) - necessity
आपूर्ति (aapoorti) - supply
आचरण (aacharan) - behavior
आंगन (aangan) - courtyard
आधिकारिक (aadhikaarik) - official
आवश्यक (aavashyak) - necessary
आपदा (aapda) - disaster
आक्रोशित (aakroshit) - angry
आश्चर्यजनक (aashcharyajanak) - astonishing
आदिवासी (aadivaasi) - indigenous
Can you imagine a world without clouds, boats, or magic? 'आ' ki matra brings these words to life, making them even more enchanting!
'आ' ki Matra in Verbs
Verbs are action words that tell us what someone or something is doing. Let's discover some verbs with the magical 'आ' sound:
आना (aana) - to come
बात करना (baat karna) - to talk
गाना गाना (gaana gaana) - to sing
आना (aana) - to come
आदान (aadan) - to give
आवाज़ उठाना (aavaaz uthaana) - to raise one's voice
आदेश देना (aadesh dena) - to give orders
आशीर्वाद देना (aashirvaad dena) - to give blessings
आक्रमण करना (aakraman karna) - to attack
आराम करना (aaram karna) - to relax
आपत्ति करना (aapatti karna) - to object
आग लगना (aag lagna) - to catch fire
आगे बढ़ना (aage badhna) - to move forward
आहट करना (aahat karna) - to make a sound
आराम से करना (aaram se karna) - to do comfortably
आकर्षित करना (aakarshit karna) - to attract
आंखें खोलना (aankhein kholna) - to open eyes
आराम देना (aaram dena) - to provide comfort
आंदोलन करना (aandolan karna) - to protest
आह्वान करना (aahvaan karna) - to invite
आवृत्ति करना (aavritti karna) - to repeat
आभार व्यक्त करना (aabhaar vyakt karna) - to express gratitude
आनंद लेना (aanand lena) - to enjoy
आवाज़ देना (aavaaz dena) - to give voice
आदेश मानना (aadesh maanna) - to obey orders
आश्वासित करना (aashwaasit karna) - to assure
आग बुझाना (aag bujhaana) - to extinguish fire
आक्रोश प्रकट करना (aakrosh prakat karna) - to express anger
आराम करना (aaram karna) - to take rest
आदर्श मानना (aadarsh maanna) - to idealize
आश्वासन देना (aashwaasan dena) - to give assurance
आभार जाहिर करना (aabhaar jahir karna) - to show gratitude
आग से जलना (aag se jalna) - to burn with fire
आकर्षित होना (aakarshit hona) - to be attracted
आदान-प्रदान करना (aadan-pradaan karna) - to exchange
आंगन में खेलना (aangan mein khelna) - to play in the courtyard
आगे बढ़ाना (aage badhaana) - to promote
आवाज़ करना (aavaaz karna) - to vocalize
आवास प्रदान करना (aavaas pradaan karna) - to provide accommodation
आदान-प्रदान करना (aadan-pradaan karna) - to trade
आभार प्रकट करना (aabhaar prakat karna) - to express gratitude
आक्रोश प्रकट करना (aakrosh prakat karna) - to express outrage
आराम करना (aaram karna) - to take it easy
आयोजन करना (aayojan karna) - to organize
Isn't it amazing how the 'आ' sound gives these actions extra excitement? Now, you can come, talk, and sing with joy!
'आ' ki Matra in Adjectives
Adjectives are words that describe or give more information about nouns. Let's explore some adjectives with the 'आ' sound:
खुश (khush) - happy
प्यारा (pyaara) - lovely
आमिर (aamir) - rich
आदर्श (aadharsh) - ideal
आनंदमय (aanandmay) - joyful
आधुनिक (aadunik) - modern
आगे का (aage ka) - forward
आशीर्वादमय (aashirvaadmay) - blessed
आकर्षक (aakarshak) - attractive
आलसी (aalsi) - lazy
आक्रामक (aakraamak) - aggressive
आनंदित (aanandit) - delighted
आरामदायक (aaramdayak) - comfortable
आक्रांत (aakrant) - attacked
आक्रोशी (aakroshi) - angry
आदर्शमय (aadarshmay) - idealistic
आश्चर्यजनक (aashcharyajanak) - astonishing
आवाज़शील (aavaazsheel) - vocal
आकर्षणीय (aakarshanee) - captivating
आनंददायक (aananddayak) - enjoyable
आदर्शवान (aadarshvaan) - respectful
आरामदेह (aaramdeh) - soothing
आग्रही (aagrainee) - demanding
आद्यात्मिक (aadyaatmik) - spiritual
आक्रांति (aakraanti) - offensive
आनंदवर्धक (aanandvardhak) - blissful
आपूर्ण (aapoorn) - complete
आत्मनिर्भर (aatmanirbhar) - self-reliant
आभासी (aabhaasee) - virtual
आंशिक (aanshik) - partial
आकर्षी (aakarshi) - charming
आदर्शपूर्ण (aadarshpoorn) - idealistic
आशीर्वादपूर्ण (aashirvaadpoorn) - blessed
आक्रियाशील (aakriyashil) - dynamic
आनुवंशिक (aanuvanshik) - hereditary
आदर्शवादी (aadarshvaadee) - idealistic
आंगनवादी (aanganvaadee) - courtyard-oriented
आचार्य (aacharya) - scholarly
आनंदमयी (aanandmayee) - joyful
आकांक्षी (aakaankshi) - ambitious
आत्मिक (aatmik) - self-oriented
आभूषित (aabhooshit) - adorned
आदिवासी (aadivaasee) - tribal
आक्रमक (aakramak) - aggressive
आंशिकी (aansheeki) - partiality
आचार्यमय (aacharyamay) - full of wisdom
आपसी (aapsee) - mutual
आदर्शवाद (aadarshvaad) - idealistic
आवाज़पूर्ण (aavaazpoorn) - vocal
आंतरिक (antarik) - internal
आभासीय (aabhaaseey) - virtual
आकर्षीयता (aakarshiyata) - attractiveness
आद्यात्मिकता (aadyaatmikta) - spirituality
These adjectives make the world a happier, lovelier, and more prosperous place!
Tips for Perfecting 'आ' ki Matra
Now that we know so many magical words with the 'आ' sound, let's learn some tips to pronounce them correctly:
Relax your mouth and let the sound flow gently.
Stretch the sound 'आ' and hold it a little longer.
Practice by saying words slowly and gradually increasing your speed.
Remember, practice makes perfect!
Congratulations! You have successfully explored the captivating world of 'आ' ki matra and discovered a treasure trove of fun words and sentences. The 'आ' sound adds a touch of magic to Hindi language learning and makes it even more fascinating. Keep practicing and exploring, and soon you'll be a master of words with the 'आ' sound!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Why is the 'आ' sound important in Hindi?
The 'आ' sound is important because it adds melody and meaning to words. It's like adding an extra spark to the language!
Are there any songs or rhymes that use the 'आ' sound?
Absolutely! Many Hindi songs and rhymes have words with the 'आ' sound. Listening and singing along to them can be a fun way to practice.
Where can I find more resources for learning Hindi?
There are many websites, apps, and books available for learning Hindi. You can also join language learning communities and find language exchange partners to practice with.
Can you give more examples of words with 'आ' ki matra? Certainly! Here are a few more examples: आग (aag) - fire, चाय (chaay) - tea, बारिश (baarish) - rain.
How can I practice pronouncing words with 'आ' ki matra? You can practice by repeating words slowly, listening to native speakers, and using online resources for pronunciation guidance.